Learning key financial behaviors now is a game changer for students
GTB’s College Financial Fitness Program gives students the tools to develop the proper financial mindset and behaviors so they can build on their understanding of making, saving and spending money.
Workshops are one hour and customized to fit the school’s and the students’ schedules. Experience these interactive and fun sessions, taking students on a journey of discovering the truth about commonly believed money myths, learning the best kept secret to achieving financial success and giving their money purpose to unleash the millionaire within.
“I really enjoyed the session and learned a lot as a result. I think that financial literacy is a crucial factor to develop while in college and your session was instrumental in beginning the process.
“I never told you how much your talk inspired me, changed the way I think.
Cash rules everything around me
Students participating in this workshop learn to interpret their money MAP (motivations, attitudes and perceptions) and get exposed to the mindset needed to become a habitual saver.
Set it Off: Wealth Building Principles for Success
Picking up where Cash Rules Everything Around Me ended, students learn about wealth-building behaviors, wealth-building vehicles and smart spending moves to make after college.